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Our Program

O.D.A.A.T. is a transformative program designed as a safe haven for women to feel supported in their journey of internal growth and healing. This comprehensive initiative creates a nurturing community where participants can connect with others who share similar goals and challenges. The program offers weekly Zoom meetings, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual accountability. In these sessions, women are encouraged to support one another, share experiences, and celebrate progress.


The "One Day at a Time" program goes beyond mere support groups by providing access to a wide range of professional resources. Participants can speak with therapists to address mental and emotional health, work with nutritionists to develop healthy eating habits, and engage with fitness coaches to build physical strength and wellness. Additionally, the program features top motivational speakers who inspire and educate, offering valuable insights and encouragement to help women stay motivated on their journey.


A unique aspect of the program is the emphasis on daily physical activity, with participants holding each other accountable for daily walks. This practice not only promotes physical health but also fosters a sense of discipline and camaraderie among the women. Through this multifaceted approach, "One Day at a Time" equips women with the skills and support they need to achieve holistic healing, empowering them to lead fulfilling and balanced lives.


Once a Week ZOOM meeting

The "One Day at a Time" weekly Zoom meetings are a cornerstone of the program, providing a dynamic and supportive environment where women can come together to share their journeys and gain valuable insights. These meetings are thoughtfully designed to foster community, accountability, and personal growth. Each session features guest speakers who are leaders in their fields, bringing a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to the participants.


Guest speakers are carefully selected to cover a broad spectrum of topics relevant to holistic healing and personal development. These experts include renowned motivational speakers, who offer powerful narratives and practical advice to inspire and encourage participants. Their stories of overcoming adversity and achieving success serve as powerful reminders of the strength and resilience within each woman.


In addition to motivational speakers, the meetings also feature professionals such as therapists, nutritionists, and fitness coaches. Therapists provide guidance on mental and emotional well-being, offering strategies to manage stress, build resilience, and cultivate a positive mindset. Nutritionists share insights into healthy eating habits, helping participants understand the connection between nutrition and overall health, and providing practical tips for maintaining a balanced diet. Fitness coaches discuss the importance of physical activity, offering exercises and routines that can be easily integrated into daily life, emphasizing the benefits of movement for both body and mind.


The format of the meetings encourages interaction and participation. After the guest speaker’s presentation, there is a dedicated time for Q&A, allowing participants to engage directly with the experts, ask questions, and seek personalized advice. This interactive component ensures that the sessions are not just informative, but also highly relevant to the individual needs and concerns of the women in the group.


Overall, the "One Day at a Time" weekly Zoom meetings are more than just educational sessions; they are an integral part of the program’s mission to create a safe, empowering, and transformative space for women. By bringing together expert knowledge and a supportive community, these meetings help women to thrive and progress on their journey of holistic healing and personal growth.

Taking a walk

"One Day at a Time" incorporates a unique and impactful daily walking requirement to promote physical health, mental clarity, and community bonding among its members. Each member is committed to walking a minimum of 30 minutes every day, a practice designed to foster discipline, enhance well-being, and encourage regular physical activity. This daily walk is not just about exercise; it's a journey of personal growth and accountability.


To ensure that everyone stays committed and motivated, members document their daily walks through video journeys. These videos are shared with the group, creating a transparent and supportive environment where everyone can see each other's progress, share experiences, and celebrate achievements. This practice of sharing video journeys helps build a sense of accountability, as members are aware that their peers are counting on them to participate and contribute to the community's collective goal.


For those who are geographically close, the program offers the opportunity to meet in person and walk together on local trails. These group walks enhance the sense of community and provide a space for members to connect on a deeper level, offering mutual encouragement and support in a face-to-face setting. Walking together not only strengthens physical fitness but also builds strong, supportive relationships among members.


In addition to the video documentation and group walks, "One Day at a Time" provides a dedicated support chat for all members. This chat serves as a virtual space where participants can share their daily experiences, seek advice, and offer support to one another. It's a place for celebrating milestones, sharing challenges, and providing encouragement, ensuring that everyone feels connected and supported on their journey.


The daily walking requirement, coupled with video documentation, local group walks, and the support chat, creates a comprehensive system of accountability and encouragement. This multifaceted approach ensures that each member stays engaged and motivated, fostering a strong sense of community and shared purpose. Through these daily walks, "One Day at a Time" empowers women to integrate physical activity into their lives while building a supportive network that nurtures their holistic healing and personal development.

Walking Club

Changing your value by changing your diet

Image by Brooke Lark

The "One Day at a Time" program places a significant emphasis on nutrition as a fundamental component of holistic healing and personal development. Recognizing that what we eat profoundly affects our physical health, mental stability, and overall growth, the program integrates personalized nutritional guidance as a core element of its approach to empowerment.


Each member of the program has the opportunity to consult with experienced nutritionists who specialize in creating tailored dietary plans. These nutritionists take into account the unique health needs, lifestyle, and personal goals of each participant. During these consultations, members receive comprehensive assessments that consider their medical history, nutritional deficiencies, dietary preferences, and fitness levels. Based on this detailed understanding, the nutritionists develop customized meal plans designed to promote optimal health and well-being.


The dietary plans crafted by the nutritionists focus on achieving balanced nutrition, which includes the right mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These plans aim to enhance physical health, boost energy levels, and support mental clarity. By emphasizing the importance of nutrient-dense foods, the program helps members understand how their food choices can influence their mood, cognitive function, and emotional stability. Proper nutrition is highlighted as a key factor in reducing stress, managing anxiety, and preventing mood swings, thereby contributing to a more stable and positive mental state.


Changing one's diet is also presented as a powerful act of self-love and self-care within the "One Day at a Time" program. By committing to healthier eating habits, members demonstrate respect and care for their bodies. This shift in dietary habits is seen as a form of valuing oneself, recognizing one's worth, and taking proactive steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. As members begin to see the positive effects of improved nutrition—such as increased vitality, better health markers, and enhanced emotional well-being—they experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence.


The program fosters a supportive environment where members can share their nutritional journeys, exchange recipes, and encourage one another to stay committed to their dietary goals. Regular check-ins with nutritionists ensure ongoing support and adjustments to the meal plans as needed, accommodating any changes in health status or personal goals.


Overall, the "One Day at a Time" program’s focus on personalized nutrition underscores the importance of diet in achieving holistic health. By empowering women to make informed food choices and demonstrating the transformative power of nutrition, the program helps its members build a foundation of health that supports their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth. This commitment to better nutrition not only enhances individual well-being but also reinforces the program’s broader mission of fostering self-love and empowerment.

As a person thinks, That is who You become

The "One Day at a Time" program places significant importance on guiding its members to understand and harness the power of their thoughts, recognizing that mental and spiritual health are foundational to overall well-being. Central to this aspect of the program is the practice of meditation on the words that God has spoken over them, which helps members align their thoughts with divine truths and discover their true identity and purpose.


The program teaches that thoughts are powerful forces that shape our perceptions, behaviors, and ultimately, our destinies. Negative thought patterns can lead to feelings of unworthiness, anxiety, and self-doubt, while positive, faith-filled thoughts can foster confidence, peace, and a sense of purpose. By focusing on the importance of their thoughts, "One Day at a Time" empowers women to cultivate a mindset that supports their growth and healing.


Meditation on the words that God has spoken over them is a key practice in this process. The program encourages members to spend time daily reflecting on biblical promises and affirmations, allowing these divine words to permeate their minds and hearts. This meditation practice involves reading and internalizing scriptures that speak to their inherent worth, potential, and the love that God has for them. By consistently meditating on these truths, members begin to replace negative self-talk with positive, faith-affirming thoughts.


This spiritual practice is transformative because it helps women to see themselves through God’s eyes, recognizing their unique value and purpose. As they meditate on these words, they start to internalize the belief that they are loved, capable, and destined for greatness. This shift in thinking can lead to profound changes in their self-esteem and outlook on life, empowering them to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams with renewed vigor and faith.


Moreover, this focus on spiritual meditation is not just about individual transformation; it also fosters a sense of community and shared faith among the members. Group sessions often include discussions on specific scriptures and their personal significance, creating a supportive environment where women can encourage one another and grow together in their spiritual journeys.


Through this practice, "One Day at a Time" helps women to align their thoughts with the divine purpose, enabling them to become who they were created to be. This alignment nurtures a holistic transformation, encompassing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. By teaching the importance of their thoughts and guiding them in meditative practices rooted in God's word, the program equips women to lead lives of purpose, confidence, and joy, fulfilling their God-given potential.

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